River Dove

BMAA hold the fishing rights to approx 9 miles of Prime River fishing. Depths vary from fast shallow 18” rapids to sedate 12’ deep pools. This varied water holds Barbel, Chub, Bream, Roach, Dace, Carp, Perch, Pike, Grayling and Trout. The quality of the Barbel, Chub, Grayling and Trout are legendary. The key to a good day Dove fishing is location. You have to be in the right place at the right time, get it right and a good bag of fish is guaranteed, get it wrong and you’ll have a dry net. Still, sometimes just being ‘on the Dove’ is enough.

Below, there is a guide to car parks, access and the fishing

Tutbury Mill – (1 on map)

Park in Council car park off the roundabout at the bottom of the bypass. Walk away from car park/road, past Cricket ground, over stile. Walk straight on across Castle Field for weir (800m) start of BMAA water, or turn right after stile and walk 100m to river. The Weir holds Barbel, Chub, Dace and Trout. The Steady/Deep middle of this section holds 10lb+ Barbel, Good chub and a few big Carp, big Chub prefer shallow broken water on this section, as do Grayling and Trout.

Thistley Meadow/Pump House, (Formerly Castle Hotel), Hatton.

Limited parking on road opposite the Castle Hotel (now being converted into apartments). The river is 100m across the field.. On this bank, BMAA water starts one field above the road bridge. The opposite bank is shared with Gypsum AC (150m above bridge and down stream of the bridge until the fleam joins the river). Pegs around the bridge are popular for all species. Down stream is the pump house section that is mostly specimen Barbel, Chub, Pike, and the odd Carp and Bream.

Marston Lane, Nestles – (2 on Map)

This section is known as the ‘Willows’. This section holds Carp, Barbel, Bream and Chub. This is a very popular stretch and relatively easy to fish on all methods. We have a new carpark in the field adjacent to the River and next to the railway track. It can be accessed by the small lane off Old Marston Lane (passed the allotments) – you will need a BMAA key.

Marston Lane, Under Pass – (3 on map)

Follow Marston Lane towards Nestles (from Marston on Dove) – just before you get to the factory theres a track across the field on the left, this leads to the carpark area, walk under bridge and the river is 200m ahead. Down stream are the ‘Bottom Willows’ which hold large numbers of Chub & Barbel.

Marston Bridge/Old Dove – (4 on map)

Park next to the bridge or use our car park through the gate (Key required). This is a popular section for all species with good fly fishing. Down river is the Weir and also further down approx 500m is an old railway bridge known as the ‘Pillars’, these are well known hot spots for Pike, Barbel and Chub


Horseshoe Meadow, Rolleston – (No official carpark – see video below)



Currently we do not have a carpark – leave your car in Rolleston off Station Road and walk down track off Station Road (close to the Jinny pub)  Its a Very long walk – ignore the signs saying no access. Walk down the track to the 2nd gate. Walk straight ahead  until you reach the remains of an old railway bridge (brick walls) – enter Horseshow meadow via the farm gate. Winter floods provide good fleam fishing for big Roach and Dace. Shallows below the fleam hold Grayling and Trout. The Horseshoe is very good for Barbel, Pike and Chub. The shallows below the Horseshoe hold Dace, Grayling, Trout and Chub.

Fishpond Lane, Eggington, Podmores (As maps)

Park on bend each side of the track near the Duck Street sign. Lot of walking to access from this location – approx half a mile to the Dove. Walk down the track over 3 streams (Hilton Brook fishing as per map) and through a gate. Turn right and follow a hedge on the right for 300m, over flood bank to the river (Beware of Cables!) The river here is 3m (9ft) deep and in the wood further down it is 4m (12ft) deep. This section holds good Bream to 5lb+, big Roach, Chub and Barbel. Down river is Stretton Weir (currently being removed by the EA). Below the weir (Straight on at Gate) is a good Barbel and Chub section with the odd Bream and Big Pike. Podmore Pools are in the middle of this section (just above Weir). Full of lilies and reeds –  Due to silt the pools are very shallowand rarely fished.

Horseshoe Meadow, North bank, Blacksmiths Lane, Eggington

Continue past FPL for 150m, turn left into Blacksmiths Lane, go further 200m then turn left into track (BEWARE RUTTED) Limited to 6 cars. DO NOT BLOCK ACCESS. Parking is just before gates (park on verge). On foot go straight ahead down the bridlepath, over bridge (Hilton Brook) then turn left to river 300m. Fishing as car park 4. Long walk required – very few members use this carpark area as its badly rutted.

Monks Bridge – (5 on map)

From southbound, come off A38 just before river. Use key for gate and park near to the dog/cat home before the bridge. Fishing above Monks ‘willows’ very good for Chub and Barbel. Below Monks bridge is good for all species. Under aqueduct is good for big Chub. Upstream is very overgrown – its like a jungle.

Ratcliffs and the Fleam – (22 on map)

Follow Millstream Lane to railway bridge and drive under bridge (Beware deep water at times – if the River is coming up do not risk parking here). Just through bridge go through gate (key req.). The car park is at end of track. For river (Railway Bridge) walk over footbridge then bear right – walk straight across field for 200m. The river here holds good Chub, Barbel and Bream. The shallows above Bridge hold Dace and Grayling. The lower River can be found past the Pool by following the Fleam. The Fleam mouth is good for Pike and Perch and below this is good for all species. Walking straight across from the Fleam mouth puts you on the wall; a good bend/bay here holds all species. 300m further is the boundary.

Ratcliffes, north bank

On the South bound A38, ½ mile before the River Dove, turn left over Canal Bridge. Drive down lane, over a railway bridge past the entrance to CEMEX and then 300m past the Bridge the road has a sharp left bend – there has been a lot of changes made to our carparking and access to the river due to work by Cemex. Fishing is as above.

Hargate Meadow, River Trent – (6 on map)

Cars to be parked in the parking area ONLY. This is situated on the higher ground at the end of the track. It is marked Car Park 6 on the map. This water is now shared with Cemex A/C.

If night fishing you can only use an open fronted brolly system, no bivies or enclosed shelters of any type are permitted on any of our river sections.