Branston Water Park

This large mature gravel pit is a nature reserve. All wildlife must be treated with respect. It is shared with the local model boat club (please note Boat Club have priority in marked areas) and the general public. Primarily a specimen Carp water with Bream, Tench and Pike to specimen sizes also holds Roach, Perch and Eels. Mainly fished by Carp anglers and as a result is pegged accordingly with each peg having its own boundary and has rules which only apply to Carp / Pike anglers which are listed below. The bay between the car park and the canal is the deepest area (16’), the depth gets shallower the further you go along the pool with their being only 3’ along the reed beds.

There are specific Branston Rules in the Association’s main rules. They should be read in conjunction with these notes.
Anglers fishing Swan and Willow between March and July must be careful not to disturb birds during the nesting period. NO anglers allowed in the REED BEDS at any time. NO wading in front of the REED BEDS. ANY Members breaking these rules will lose their membership. Members must park in the car park. A member fishing the BRICK swim is allowed to drop off their tackle then move their car immediately.

Notice Board – A notice board has been set up outside the Visitor Centre to provide the latest news. A set of specific rules and a large scale map of the water are also displayed.

You must obey these rules for Branston.

Members may use three rods at this water; however they must be kept close together in the same swim. Members MUST NOT spread rods across adjoining pegs at any time. You are not restricted to the swims on the map, you may fish any swim with the obvious exception of the Reed beds.

All Juniors fishing at Branston must be accompanied by a responsible adult member.

Night Permits: 

Existing Night permit holders wishing to add a further year must advise Jason Ingley via an email ( and pay for the night permit before the 1st of June.


New applications for a night permit – Members must have at least one year’s membership before being eligible, applications should be made by email ONLY to Jason Ingley ( All that is needed is an email with your name/email – applications should be made no earlier than April and no later than 1st June.

There will be a waiting list for permits if the number of applicants exceeds the number of permits available. Night permits will be issued during June, if we receive more applications than we have night permits unsuccessful members will be informed by email.

Permits will be valid from 1st July to the following 30th June. The permit must be carried with you when fishing at night, or else you will be required to leave the water.

Members without a night permit may only fish Branston between the hours of 5am to 10pm Summertime and 5am to 5pm Wintertime. They must LEAVE the waterpark outside of these times. Summer and Winter being defined by clock changes.

Guest Day Tickets: Are not allowed on this water on Fridays or Saturdays from March to September inclusive.

Carp sacks/Retainers: These may be used during the hours of darkness but for no more than one hour during the day.

Carp cannot be retained in keep nets.

Bait Boats and Model Boat Club

Would all members using bait boats please check the notice board outside the Visitor Centre for crystals allocated to anglers only. These must be adhered to so as not to interfere with model boat club members.

They will also be on the notice board with details of the restrictions on fishing. Other race dates will be displayed on this notice board as they are scheduled.