Cuttlebrook Open match 29th August 2021
Today was another sell out match on the second open at Cuttlebrook, during August.
21 Anglers turned out for what is proving to be a popular match venue.
As with normal unfortunately of late, the river conditions were not great, it was a low river and very clear water again and the temperature was cold, normally suggesting that our little fishy friends, were not going to play ball.
The day prior to the match our chair man Dave Fern and Rodger Smith along with Dean Cherrington, permanently pegged the bank of the river with some new robust stakes, even creating two whole new pegs by the foot bridge.
Incidentally for those of you interested in evolution, you need to look no further than our chairman, often referred to as Ferny there is no doubt looking at this fine specimen of a man that the human race without a doubt evolved from homo sapiens, could it be that right here in Burton the missing link has been here all the time and running the show for BMAA. Food for thought, ill leave that one with you.
On the day of the match Mr Official small man syndrome Dean Cherrington took the reins and ran the match, due to the work the day prior everyone had an abundance of room and for a change everyone was happy.
We did however have to ask Paul Poutney to help Dean with the weighing in, as the scales were very big for Dean to hold up due to his height, if we had left him to do it on his own it would have been a scene similar to Dennis Waterman in Little Britain with the scales resembling the clock face of Big Ben in Deans tiny hands. Write the theme tune, sing the theme tune……
At the all out, unfortunately as expected it was very tough for some of the anglers. There were a DNW and also some relatively low 1lb plus nets.
However some anglers and pegs fared better with Dave Petch taking another river win from the end peg in the field with 13lb of Roach, Dace and a few nice Grayling.
Second was Paul Middleton with 9lb 7 oz from peg 19.
Just behind in third place was Colin Talbot with 8lb 15oz.
Section winners were:
Dean Cherrington with 8lb 10oz from end peg 3
Dave Shakespeare with 8lb 12oz from second to end peg 21.
BMAA says: Another well supported match, with lots of good friendly banter going on. Yes the fishing was hard and some anglers did not catch many fish, but it goes to show that sometimes, its not just all about the fishing.
There are members of other clubs/Anglers now jumping onto our opens and more and more people are getting involved in the peg clearing and running of the matches.
It obvious that there is a very healthy and thirsty appetite for the matches and for all the support we have been shown since doing these matches, all we can say is thank you.