Staunton Harold open match – Sunday the 8th August 2021
Without a doubt these Staunton Harold matches are drawing Anglers from across the UK.
With many of the countries top professional anglers including past and present England members, is it no wonder that so many people want to get onto these sell out matches.
Organised by Shane Hodgkinson, who without doubt as the same people skills as me, these matches are run in a smooth professional manner but god help you if you start playing up lol. He has help on the matches with fellow organiser Spud and together they really have put Staunton on the map.
As pretty much everywhere in area the weather was horrific on match day, but these Bream anglers are made of different gravy, rumor has it that when they are born there is no Amniotic fluid and they came out covered in the slime of the Bream itself.
Not to be perturbed by the weather, the match was ran on both sides of staunton, namely the Farmside and the Sailing Club side.
As expected the match turned out to be a tough affair, fishing very hard as expected given the weather.
At the all out Andy Leathers has dropped 28lb off peg 36, on the scales to take the match win.
Second place went to Shaun Scriven on peg 17 with 19lb.
Third was Ste Whitfield on peg 70 with 17lb 15oz, with Carl Fawley nipping at this heels with 17lb 12oz pushing him into fourth
Section winners were:
Section 6-9 Sam Collett – 13lb
Section 12-16 Bill Campbell – 12lb 14oz
Section 17-25 Doughie Stephens – 8lb 4 oz
Section 27-36 Rich Wilson – 16lb 10 oz
Section 42-46 Gareth Lambert – 17lb 6 oz
Section 47-51 Des Shipp – 14lb 3 oz
Section 54-60 Stephen Roe – 10lb 7 oz
Section 61-65 Nick Speed – 13lb 4 oz
Section 66-70 Mark Hemmings – 5lb 14oz.
BMAA says: You only have to look at the names involved in these matches to see why they attract such a draw of Anglers. It gives the everyday fisherman the chance to fish alongside professional Anglers, and who knows the chance to beat one of your fishing heros. Although the Matches are organised by Shane, BMAA are the club with the rights to Staunton. Shane a current committee member has done a brilliant job on this water and in turn helped to promote us as a club through the exposure his matches generate.